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Mongolian lawyers bridge the distance

For over three decades, the Hanns Seidel Foundation has been working in Mongolia to safeguard and promote the rule of law and democracy by supporting the judiciary. This commitment also extends to exchange and cooperation with and in Europe in order to further strengthen Mongolia's legal system.

On March 18, a delegation of Mongolian legal experts traveled to Brussels and Luxembourg to deepen relations with important European institutions. The delegation consisted of representatives from the Supreme Court, the General Prosecutor's Office, the National Human Rights Commission and the National Institute of Law.


Their program began in Brussels at the European External Action Service, where talks were held on political relations and mutual understanding between Europe and Mongolia. They then met with the European Commission at DG INTPA (Directorate-General for International Partnerships) to define strategies to strengthen the judicial partnership between the two regions.

During the visit to the Council of Europe, Mongolia's potential to adopt further legal conventions was emphasized. In particular, the European Convention on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters and the Budapest Convention were discussed. Finally, the delegation took part in the event organized by the Brussels office of the Hanns Seidel Foundation, which focused on 'Young women in leadership positions'.


On the second day, the focus was on the European Parliament. Thanks to Marion Walsmann MEP, Vice-Chair of the Legal Affairs Committee, the Mongolian delegation was able to attend a committee meeting. This provided valuable insights into the legal affairs of the Parliament. In addition, a fruitful exchange took place with Tomáš Zdechovský MEP, Member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and Chair of the Delegation for Relations with Mongolia. MEP Zdechovský praised Mongolia's progress in legal affairs and acknowledged the crucial role of Hanns Seidel Foundation as a partner in strengthening the country's judiciary over the last 30 years.


At the end of their trip, the delegation went to Luxembourg to visit the Court of Justice of the European Union. In addition to gaining a deeper insight into the workings of the Court of Justice, they met representatives of the Chambers of Advocates General and the Communications Directorate.

The Foundation continues to work in cooperation with key Mongolian legal institutions to support the Mongolian judiciary. The current delegation trip, supported by the HSS Brussels Office and the HSS Mongolia Office, demonstrates this ongoing commitment. The delegation will continue its journey to The Hague to hold talks with the International Criminal Court starting March 21.