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HSS, ministry and NGOs for sustainability

To improve the implementation of the Natural Resource Royalty Law, amendments to the 'Procedures for Forming, Issuing and Reporting the Revenue Share of Environmental Protection and Restoration Payments' were introduced to local authorities such as local governors, civic councils and the Orkhon Provincial Department of Environment and Tourism. Open dialogues and presentations were held, focusing on capacity building of officials and strengthening the implementation of the amended law.

In the afternoon, a discussion was organized on the topic of “Law on Natural Resource Use Fees” and later in the day, a training was held as part of the work to ensure the implementation of the Law on Water Pollution Fees.

The joint discussion was successfully organized with participants consisting of experts from the Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Department of Environment of Orkhon Province, experts from the Biofin project, employees of governmental organizations, environmentalists and members of non-governmental organizations.