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Roundtable Discussion
Occupational ban on journalists - justifiable under the rule of law?

The Media Council of Mongolia organized a meeting of the editorial boards of media companies and lawyers on the above-mentioned subject area. During the event, which was financially supported by the Hanns Seidel Foundation, journalists had the opportunity to discuss legal options for sanctioning banned lawyers with lawyers.

The meeting on April 19 was attended by chief editors and editors of media organizations, as well as representatives of the Supreme Judicial Council, the Supreme Court, the Institute for Training, Research, and Information of the Supreme Court, the Local Media Association, the Open Society Forum, and representatives of the University of Radio, TV, and Media Arts at the University of Culture and Arts.







On this occasion, criminologist Professor Dr. B. Batzorig gave a lecture on the topic of 'Freedom of Expression and Professional Activity.' He discussed international agreements on human rights and freedoms, particularly the right to freedom of expression, the limits thereof, and the corresponding regulations and provisions of criminal law. Additionally, he provided information on the implementation of these regulations, the right to publication, and criminal proceedings.








In addition, Ms. D. Narantuya, Editor-in-Chief of and independent member of the Media Council, presented a paper on "Professional Activities of Journalism: Ethics and Funding". In her speech, she highlighted the stages of development of journalism and the challenges facing the industry. She discussed issues such as the definition of a journalist, the organization of the industry and reasons for its lack of professionalism.


At the end of the meeting, the participants discussed the main topic 'Can the professional activity of journalism be prohibited by law?' and agreed that, in addition to complying with professional ethics, the self-regulation of the media should also be strengthened.