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Alumni Meeting of the HSS Mongolei

As the end of the year approaches, the alumni members of HSS Mongolia met to reflect on the year's activities and discuss plans for the coming year 2024.

During the meeting, the head of the National Human Rights Commission, Dr. Sunjid, and Dr. Zolboo presented their completed research work conducted in Germany. Additionally, this year's fellows of the HSS National Scholarship, Ms. Irmuunzaya.Kh, researcher at the Environmental Education Center at the National University of Mongolia, and Mr. Bulgantamir.U, researcher at the Christina Nobel Children's Foundation, presented their ongoing research projects.

In total, the number of activities organized in 2023 reached 17, marking a significant expansion in the scope of the network, for which we are very grateful.

The highlight of the meeting was the nomination of Dr. Sunjid, a former HSS fellow, as the head of the National Human Rights Commission.


We would like to express our gratitude to all members of the HSS Alumni Club for your generous support and collaboration with HSS in 2023. We wish you all continued success, expanding your horizons and shaping a bright future.

In addition, we would like to express our deepest appreciation to the HSF Headquarters Scholarship Office for supporting the Alumni Club's activities in Mongolia.